The Genealogy Online Store
The Society's publications, educational events and educational videos are available for sale in the Genealogy Online Store maintained by the Genealogical Society of Finland. One can also register for events and buy the Society's silver badge in the online store. The online store also resells other genealogical as well as personal and local historical publications and products.
Product Categories and Purchasing
The Genealogy Online Store has available the following categories: Education, Recorded Online Courses, Publications, Finnish Genealogical Classics, Other Products and a link to the Society's registration form. In the Education -category one can find the Society's upcoming paid courses and training events as well as upcoming free of charge events that require advance registration. In The Recorded Online Courses -category one can find videos of past educational events as well as pre-recorded remote lectures. Some of the videos are free, some are available for members on the SukuHaku service and some require payment.
In the Publications -category one can find the Society's own publications and digitized books (PDF) as well as genealogy and history books from other publishers that are organized on their own pages by author or by publisher. In Finnish Genealogical Classics one can find classic works of the academic history of genealogy as affordable digital books. In Other Products one can find e.g. the Society's silver badge and blank family trees.
Anyone can use the Genealogy online store. Payment is made using the most common international credit cards (Visa, MasterCard), mobile payment (Mobile Pay, Pivo or Siirto) or as a bank transfer from a Finnish bank. Postage to Finland is always included in the prices shown. If ordering abroad, please contact verkkokauppa@genealogia.fi. Digital products will be delivered to the e-mail address provided. Placing an order does not require signing in or having an account in the Genealogy online store but if you order frequently you can track your orders from your own online store account.
Genealogists have the possibility to sell their own publications through the Genealogy Online Store. Publications related to genealogy, personal and local history, and historical research can be offered for sale in both digital and book form.
The Society maintains the upkeep of the online store, markets the products, delivers the digital products, forwards book sales for the seller as well as does campaigns and sales if needed. The seller himself determines the price of their products, delivers the physical products and invoices the sales at their discretion. The Society deducts a 15% commission fee from the sales price.
If you are interested in selling your products by commission, please be in touch with seura@genealogia.fi.