Web Services
The Genealogical Society of Finland offers various online services that genealogists can use in their research. The best known of these services is HisKi or the parishes' database of history books. Other services provided by the Society include SukuHaku, a membership service that contains directories and digitized materials.
The Society's homepage contains information on the Society and its activities as well as fact sheets on genealogy and links to useful online materials. On the pages On Genealogy you can find, for example, suggestions on starting your own genealogical research and information on primary sources and how to use them. The Genealogist's Sources -page is arranged thematically and contains information on migration, personal names and soldiers as well as various glossaries and dictionaries.

Society's first website in the 1990's. The current website is fifth in line. Previously the website has been renewed in 2008, 2012 and 2014.
Suku Forum
The Suku Forum is a common, free, open to all discussion group maintained by the Society where you can ask questions and share your own research findings. The forum is visible to everyone enabling browsing without registration, but taking part in discussions and posting your own threads requires registration.
Read more about Suku Forumista
HisKi or the Historical Books Database is a tool to help search parishes' history books. It contains lists of baptisms, marriages and burials. The database does not contain information on all Finnish parishes and the amount of information will vary from parish to parish depending on how the volunteers entering the data have progressed. At this moment, the database has a little over ten million events available to search and c. 13 million searches are performed on the database every year.
SukuHaku is a membership service that was launched on the Society's 100th anniversary in 2017. The service acts as a gateway into Finnish genealogical materials and it contains e.g. digitized literature as well as indexes to various archival materials and publications, for example civil parish histories. So far millions of lines of indexes and hundreds of thousands of pages of books have been entered into the service. New material is added constantly as materials are digitized and indexes compiled.
Gravestone Database
The Gravestone Database maintained by the Society contains information on 400,000 grave monuments in a searchable format. In total, the database has information on over 700,000 searchable graves. The majority of grave monuments saved in the database are from Finland but it does contain some information on those buried in the United States of America, Canada and Sweden.
Read more about Gravestone Database
Census List Search
The Census List Search is an online service provided by the Society where one can search the contents of indexed census lists, e.g. by searching for personal or geographical names. The service aims to promote and facilitate the use of census lists in genealogical research. Census lists can also be used as an alternate source to church records that have been destroyed.
Read more about Census List Search
Information on Finnish Parishes
Information on Finnish Parishes is a database maintained by the Society which contains information on the history, clergy and church archives of Finland's Lutheran and Orthodox churches. In addition to these, the database includes Finland's border parishes in northern Sweden and Norway as well as Ingrian Lutheran parishes.
Read more about Information on Finnish Parishes
Digital Directory
The Digital Directory was privately created by Kari Kujansuu and consists of directories and links to digitized materials published by the National Archives. The idea of the directory is to speed up and simplify compiling indexes into materials by crowd sourcing and thus making it simpler to use. The Society and Kujansuu have entered into an agreement where the Society provides the server space for the Digital Directory and Kujansuu acts as the administrator and developer of the online service. More detailed instructions on how to use the service are published on its homepage. The Digital Directory is a service independent of the National Archives.