SukuHakuis a membership service provided by the Genealogical Society of Finland that was opened on the Society's 100th anniversary in 2017. The service acts as a gateway to Finnish genealogical materials and it contains, for example, digitized literature as well as indexes to various archival materials and publications. At this time, nearly 4,5 million rows of indexes have been entered into the service and nearly 270,000 pages have been digitized. New material is entered constantly whenever new material gets digitized and indexes created.
Millions of lines of indexes and hundreds of thousands of pages of books have been entered into SukuHaku - especially family history books and membership catalogs have been entered. Indexes have been created for archival materials and publications the purpose of which is to promote and facilitate the use of various materials.
SukuHaku's most used materials:
- Gravestone database
- Musters
- Those pronounced deceased
- Catalogs of travelers
- Catalogs of sailors
- Name changes
Search Instructions
The search box on the homepage of SukuHaku, called Normaali haku (Normal search), is primarily meant to search for individuals in various kinds of indexes. You can browse materials saved into the service and digitized books by clicking the show all that is just above the search box. Digitized books are search-identified and you can search their contents at the Free text link right above the search box. More detailed instructions on how to use SukuHaku are found on its homepage under the link User Guide.
SukuHaku homepage and its search box
Usage and Logging In
SukuHaku is a membership service of the Society and viewing the materials requires logging in, except for the Gravestone Database which is freely available on SukuHaku for everyone. Your username for logging in is the email address you have in the Society's membership register. If you are a member of the Society and you have not previously logged into SukuHaku or if you have forgotten your password, you can reset your password on SukuHaku's homepage at the link Forgot Your Password?.
Adding New Material
New material is added to SukuHaku constantly when new materials are digitized and indexes are compiled. The newest additions to SukuHaku are listed on its homepage and the search engine registers them the night after they are added.
Maintenance and Feedback
The Society's network service specialist is responsible for maintaining SukuHaku and all observations, comments and feedback should be sent to him. Custome advisor Susanna Lahtinen advises on the use of SukuHaku and on possible problem situations. The contact information of all Society personnel can be found here.
Opastusvideo: SukuHaku
Alla olevalla opastusvideolla Seuran palveluvastaava Juha Vuorela kertoo SukuHaun käytöstä ja hakujen tekemisestä. Kaikki opastusvideot ovat vapaasti Seuran YouTube-kanavalla omalla soittolistalla.