The Genealogical Society of Finland has been involved in publishing since its foundation in 1917. A significant proportion of Finnish genealogical findings have been published in the genealogical yearbook and since 1930 in the Genos journal. This is true for today as well. In 1922 the Society founded a monograph series The Publications of the Finnish Genealogical Society. The series has published 60 titles. Newer publication series include The Guides of the Genealogical Society of Finland founded in 2011 and The Family Histories of the Genealogical Society of Finland founded in 2017.
The journal Genos is the Society's most important publication and it comes out in four issues per year. Genos was first published in 1930 and from its start it has been the central publication platform for Finnish genealogy. The journal publishes reliable research information, which in practice primarily means genealogy articles based on high-quality and thorough research.
Genos publishes findings on family and personal history and articles on sources as well as articles on disciplines close to family and personal history that deal with e.g. historical phenomena that influenced the lives of ancestors and backgrounds for source materials. Genos also publishes articles on archives and source materials, research findings, book reviews, discussions and current articles related to genealogy.
The Annal of the Genealogical Society of Finland is alongside Genos the most important Finnish genealogical publication. The Annal has been published since the founding year of the Society in 1917 and since 2015 it has been published as an open access online publication.
Like Genos, the Annal publishes reliable research information and its articles are peer reviewed. The Annal is categorized in the Publication Forum at level JUFO 1 and it complies with the conditions of peer review as defined by The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (JUFO). The Annal mainly publishes comprehensive genealogy and source articles as well as other articles deemed unsuitable for Genos because of their length. The editorial board of Genos is responsible for editing the Annal.
The Guides of the Genealogical Society of Finland series publishes handbook-type guides on using genealogical source materials or concise presentations on phenomena related to the lives of ancestors. The first guide was published in 2011.
Family Histories
The Family Histories of the Genealogical Society of Finland series publishes an anthology of the stories that participated in the annual genealogy competition. The family story competition was organized for the first time in the year of the Society's 100th anniversary in 2017.
Publication series
The Publications of the Genealogical Society of Finland (SSJ) series has published since 1922 a significant amount of member catalogs, genealogy books and source materials that have since become foundational works in Finnish genealogy. At least two expert opinions are requested for the script, on the basis of which the decision to publish are made. The Society's board names an editorial board for each publication in the series.
Sukutieto was a magazine founded by Sukutietotekniikka in 1989 and published as a members' magazine of the Finnish Genealogical Society since 1999. It published information on current issues in the field of genealogy and articles related to genealogy. Its publication ceased in 2012.